Choosing The Right Training Split For You

Blog Author
Harry Longworth
Date of post
29 December 2023
Blog Category

Embarking on a weight training journey is an exciting step toward a stronger, healthier you. However, the world of weight training can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to choosing the right training split. A training split refers to how you organise and distribute your workouts throughout the week. In this blog post, we’ll unravel the puzzle of selecting the weight training split that aligns with your fitness goals and lifestyle.

understanding different training splits

upper/ lower split

  • Divides workouts into upper body and lower body sessions.
  • Provides a balance between frequency and targeted training.
  • Suited for those who want to train around four times a week.

Push/ pull/ legs split

  • Separates workouts into pushing (e.g. chest, shoulders, triceps), pulling (e.g., back, biceps mainly) and legs (hamstrings, quads and glutes) movements.
  • Emphasises balance and can prevent overuse injuries.
  • Typically scheduled 4 or 5 times a week.

full-body workouts

  • Ideal for beginners or people with limited time.
  • Targets major muscle groups in each session.
  • Allows for more frequent training (5-6 times per week).

factors to consider

fitness goals

  • Tailor your training split to align with your goals (e.g., strength, hypertrophy, endurance).
  • If you’re focusing on strength, you may benefit from full-body or upper/lower splits, while those aiming for muscle growth may prefer body part splits.
  • If you’re looking to improve endurance, more frequent sessions or full-body sessions might benefit you.

time commitment

  • Consider your weekly schedule and how many days you can realistically commit to training.
  • Full-body or upper/lower splits are time-efficient, while body part splits may require more time and dedication.


  • Listen to your body’s response to training.
  • If you find that a particular split leaves you constantly fatigued or sore, it may be a sign to adjust your approach.


  • Choose a split that you enjoy and that is sustainable.
  • If you love a variety of exercises, a full-body or upper/lower split might be more appealing. If you enjoy focusing intensely on specific muscle groups, a body part split might be a better fit.

Selecting the right weight training split is a personalized journey that involves considering your goals, schedule, recovery, and personal preferences. Experiment with different splits, listen to your body, and be open to adjustments along the way. Remember, the key to a successful weight training program is consistency, progressive overload, and finding a routine that not only challenges you but is also enjoyable and sustainable in the long run.

If you’re struggling to find out what training split suits you and your goals best, get in touch with one of our coaches and they can help you out.

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