Hydration: The Importance of staying hydrated during summer 

Blog Author
Harry Longworth
Date of post
19 July 2024
Blog Category

As the sun is starting to come out (a bit late in the UK) and temperatures are rising as we are deep into the summer months, hydrating properly becomes more crucial than ever. Whether you’re an endurance athlete or a bodybuilder, staying hydrated is key to optimising performance, enhancing recovery, and protecting your overall health. At One Coaching, we emphasise the significance of hydration as a super important component of your fitness. 

Let’s delve into why hydration is so vital, how much water you actually need, and the specific benefits for athletes.

Why Hydration is Essential

1. It regulates body temperature: Your body relies on water to regulate its temperature. In the heat of summer, you lose more fluids through sweat, and without proper hydration, your body struggles to cool itself, leading to issues such as heat exhaustion or heat stroke.

2. It maintains energy levels: Dehydration can majorly reduce your energy and make you feel fatigued. Proper hydration keeps your energy levels stable, allowing you to perform at your best, whether you’re running a marathon or lifting weights.

3. It supports muscle function: It helps transport nutrients to your muscles. Dehydration can lead to muscle cramps and a decrease in performance.

4. It enhances cognitive function: Even mild dehydration affects your concentration and alertness. Staying hydrated ensures that you’re locked in to your workout. 

How Much Water Do You Actually Need?

The amount of water you need can vary based on several factors like your body weight, activity level, and environmental conditions. A general guideline is to drink at least 2 litres a day. However, athletes, especially those training in hot weather, may need around 4-6 litres a day.

When to Hydrate

  • Pre-Exercise: Start hydrating early. Drink about 500 ml of water before your workout.
  • During Exercise: Aim to drink 250 every half an hour. Adjust based on exercise intensity.
  • Post-Exercise: Rehydrate after your workout and throughout the rest of the day. 

Practical Tips for Staying Hydrated

  • Carry a Water Bottle: Always have a water bottle with you – it’s a constant reminder to drink. You can get ones with a straw, making it easier to drink, or you can get bigger water bottles. 
  • Monitor Urine Colour: Aim for pale yellow urine, which is a good indicator of proper hydration.
  • Eat Hydrating Foods: Incorporate fruits and vegetables with high water content, such as watermelon, cucumber, and oranges, into your diet.
  • Set Reminders: Use apps or set alarms to remind you to drink water throughout the day.

At One Coaching, we believe that optimal performance begins with the basics, and hydration is a fundamental aspect of any training. As it gets hotter, make hydration a priority to ensure you stay at the top of your game. 

For personalised training and nutrition plans, don’t hesitate to get in touch. 

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