The best post-night out protocol: How to revive yourself after a night out

Blog Author
Harry Longworth
Date of post
13 September 2024
Blog Category

At the core of what we do is promoting balance. Fitness and fun should go hand in hand. Don’t let anyone tell you that enjoying a night out means you’re not serious about your fitness goals. You can absolutely have a few drinks and still stay in great shape—believe it or not, you can do both.

As we dive into September, many of you might be gearing up for Freshers Week, which often means a lot of nights out and drinking. But even if that’s not your scene, there will always be social events to navigate, like a friend’s birthday, work gatherings, or the upcoming holiday season.

We all know recovery is crucial in fitness – it’s when your body repairs and strengthens after exercise. Effective recovery prevents injuries, reduces soreness, and keeps your energy levels high, ensuring you can keep pushing forward. Without it, you risk overtraining, burnout, and decreased performance.

Read more about why recovery is so important here.

So, to help you recover after a night out and keep your fitness on track, here’s our ‘post-night out’ protocol. These tips will make your life smoother and help you feel your best after a night of fun.

How to revive yourself after a night out:


Staying hydrated after a night out is key, especially if alcohol was involved. Alcohol acts as a diuretic, causing you to lose more fluids and leaving you dehydrated, which can lead to headaches, fatigue, and a dry mouth—making your hangover even worse.

Drinking plenty of water will help rehydrate your body and flush out toxins. It also supports digestion and boosts energy levels, helping you bounce back faster. Aim to drink 1-2 litres of water when you wake up (or even before bed). For an extra boost, you can add a pinch of salt to replenish essential electrolytes like sodium and chloride, which help maintain fluid balance. Just be careful not to overdo it, as too much salt can have the opposite effect.

Read more about the benefits of hydration here.

Skip your workout 

Working out the day after a big night out isn’t the best idea. With little sleep, less-than-ideal nutrition (we all know that post-night out McDonald’s isn’t great pre-workout fuel), and low energy, you’re unlikely to perform at your best. It’s perfectly fine to skip your workout or reschedule it for another day.

Instead, try getting outside for some fresh air and a walk. A bit of movement will make you feel much better than lounging on the sofa all day.

Eat well the next day 

After a night out, it’s tempting to reach for greasy food, but it won’t do much to help you recover from a hangover. If you want to bounce back faster, opt for foods that support recovery. Eggs, for instance, are great for breaking down alcohol toxins, so eggs on toast is a solid breakfast choice. Add some avocado for a potassium boost and liver protection after all the drinks.

For sustained energy, go for slow-releasing carbs like oatmeal. If you need a quick pick-me-up, whole grain toast with honey is perfect. And if you prefer snacking, bananas, Brazil nuts, and watermelon are excellent for replenishing electrolytes.

In summary, balancing fitness and fun is entirely possible, even after a big night out. By following our post-night out protocol – staying hydrated, skipping intense workouts, and fueling your body with the right foods – you can enjoy social events without derailing your fitness goals. Recovery is key to keeping your body strong and your energy high, so don’t feel guilty about taking a break and focusing on self-care. With these tips, you can bounce back quickly and keep pushing toward your goals, no matter what the night before looked like.

If you want to live your best life while staying committed to fitness and nutrition but need some guidance, our coaches are here to help. Get in touch, and we’ll work together to find the best approach that fits your lifestyle and goals.

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