Meet Chris – Client Testimonial

Blog Author
Harry Longworth
Date of post
24 May 2024
Blog Category

Are you thinking about signing up, but you’re unsure? Here’s some words from one of our clients, Chris, telling you all about his journey with one of our coaches.

Why did you sign up to One Coaching?

Being 7 weeks out from my first bodybuilding show, I had become very fatigued and struggled to make informed decisions regarding my next steps. I had hit a plateau in my dieting and was struggling with adherence to achieve the final hurdle of fat loss. I had seen Ryan successfully manage his full prep flawlessly, so thought he was the guy to go to.

What did you want to get out of working with a coach?

Firstly, make it through the first prep successfully and compete. The plan was to then run several improvement phases to ensure my physique keeps getting better year-on-year.

Chris looking mega at his show

How has having a coach helped you work towards your goals?

It has provided me with the structure and accountability I needed on a day-to-day basis. Also, I can rely on expert decision-making based on data, knowledge, and experience.

What have you learnt from working with a coach?

My training has been a complete revelation. I’ve improved my training performance across all areas, and I now much better understand training accuracy and intensity.

How has embarking on this part of your fitness journey affected your lifestyle?

It’s given me a whole new sense of pride and satisfaction with my fitness and physique, and I can now manage a busy lifestyle with my passion for bodybuilding.

How is your life balanced in terms of fitness, socialising and work – has having a coach helped with this?

With a busy work and family life, I can properly split my time between all my priorities without sacrificing unnecessarily in one area. My self-efficacy has improved massively, and I am more organised than I have ever been in my life.

What would you say to people who are thinking about getting a coach, but aren’t sure?

Do not procrastinate. Make the decision and stick with it. Trust the process!

Still need convincing? Read some more testimonials from out amazing athletes:

Meet Ellie

Meet Holly

Meet Fin

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