Are you thinking about signing up, but you’re unsure? Here’s some words from one of our clients, Veronique, telling you all about her journey with one of our coaches.

Why did you sign up to One Coaching?
I heard about one coaching through my best friend (her brother is Ryan) who is my coach. I signed up as I had some fitness goals that I wasn’t achieving on my own after going to gym for 3 years already pretty consistently.
What did you want to get out of working with a coach?
More accountability and structure from someone who has trained/studied that area so I can have all the tools to meet my goals.
What is your overarching fitness goal?
Main goal is lose weight (for my career) I am a dancer.
How has having a coach helped you work towards your goals? What have you learnt from working with a coach?
Having a coach has made me more consistent with the gym and my training has progressed a lot. I am a lot stronger than I was a year ago. Getting feedback after each session is super helpful so I am always improving.

How has embarking on this part of your fitness journey affected your lifestyle?
Although I had a good knowledge of diet, having a coach has helped me with fuelling efficiently, training knowledge/form, accountability with the gym. As everything is tracked I know what weeks I’ve been on plan, all my sets and PBs etc, I’m able to look at how much my training has improved.
Can you give us any insight into how your life is balanced in terms of fitness & socialising & work – has having a coach helped with this?
My whole life has been focused around exercise in general as I am a dancer. There have been times when my career and work (as they are separate: career in musical theatre, working in hospitality and retail to pay the bills) have taken priority due to not having enough time to get to the gym, but I have been working on that to make time. I am still working out how to balance everything as even though I may get all my training sessions in, I may not have done a dance class or stretches enough, or done mobility exercises.
What would you say to people who are thinking about getting a coach, but aren’t sure?
Although I am not at the end of my journey and sometimes feel as though I haven’t accomplished anything (as I am not where I want to be yet), I do believe that a coach is really essential to meeting your goals. The knowledge is incomparable, just having someone to give you all the tools and hold you accountable I feel is essential.
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